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(Bank) Finance & Tax - Senior Accountant

ING Bank

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Business:                         Finance

Position:                          Senior Accountant

Reporting to:                 Head of Finance & Tax

Entity:                              ING Bank N.V., Seoul Branch



Finance Senior Accountant (“Senior Accountant”) is responsible for internal reporting submitted to head office or region office, local regulatory reporting return to various stakeholders.  Sr. Accountant is also responsible for daily & monthly closing including AP processing oversee.  In addition, Sr accountant is responsible for leading projects and new initiative as well as providing business supports  


As a Finance Senior accountant, your tasks and responsibilities will principally be:

  • Lead projects and new initiatives and implement ING ‘s business strategy and policy 
  • Analysis impact of new accounting implementation and new products
  • Liaise with region finance and region tax as well as external auditor and tax firm
  • Head office reporting and Local regulatory reporting return monitoring.
  • Review daily closing/ monthly closing and guide junior staffs
  • Full compliance with all internal or regulatory rules or regulations

Person Specifications

To be considered for this role, the applicant should ideally possess the following pre-requisites:

  • More than 15 years prior experience in the financial industries with minumum 3 years working experience in Big 4 accounting firms 
  • Preferred a KICPA holder
  • In depth knowledge and experience in accounting of financial instruments (IFRS 9)
  • Good analytical skills, with keen interest to find out more
  • Good communication skills in Korean as well as English
  • High commitment to assigned roles and jobs with positive problem solving.
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Syeulgi Choi

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