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Data Analyst

ING Hubs

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Job Overview

The Data Analyst is part of the Contracting and Service Management (CSM) team of ING Hubs PH. Your prime responsibility is to provide reports and analysis with a high level of integrity to ensure compliance to sourcing policies and regulatory requirements. You will work with ING stakeholders across multiple teams to gather data requirements and share analysis results with individuals of varying technical expertise.

Key Responsibilities

  • Develop automated and/or analytic solutions to support the Contracting and Service Management team.

  • Ensure timely, accurate, and complete processing of data and reports.

  • Provide reporting and analysis to stakeholders to ensure compliance to risk and regulatory requirements.

  • Design and implement automation of dashboards and reports.

  • Develop, implement, and maintain databases and data collection systems.

  • Engage with stakeholders across ING to specify data requirements and convey data analysis results through effective data visualization.

  • Develop processes, tools, and templates to enable efficient, accurate, and standardized data analyses and related deliverables.

  • Make recommendations to improve data and analytics systems and platforms, contributing to the continuous improvement and refinement of data and analytics strategy.

  • Create and maintain documentation of processes.

Key Capabilities/Experience

  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Management, Statistics, or a comparable discipline, and with prior experience in data analytics or a related field.

  • Possesses a solid foundation in data analytics and a practical experience with business intelligence tools.

Minimum Qualifications

  • Proficiency in Excel and Power BI for data analysis and reporting; knowledge of MS Power Platform is an advantage.

  • Basic to intermediate understanding of SQL database, familiarity with querying and manipulating data using SQL in relational databases.

  • Excellent communication skills, to be able to articulate complex concepts and deliver them to individuals with varying levels of technical knowledge.

  • Accuracy, attention to detail, and ability to follow processes.

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