Add some color to your professional life
Our employee networks

At our ING, people with diverse life stories, experiences and lifestyles all work together. We love this diversity. Because it makes us better. And with our programs, goals and networks, we work hard to ensure this.
Check out our employee networks

With Lioness, we offer women a network to support each other in defining and achieving their career goals.
Rainbow Lions
The Rainbow Lions promote the visibility and acceptance of LGBTQI+ through internal and external projects and events. They advocate for an open and inclusive company culture in which all people can feel comfortable, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Young ING
With over 1,000 members, the YoungING Community is the network for everyone under 36. With regular networking, lectures and sporting events, the community is committed to building networks, inspiring each other and advancing the careers of colleagues across departmental boundaries.

Cultural Diversity
The Cultural Diversity Community provides a safe network for cultural knowledge sharing, events and workshops for all employees – making everyone feel encouraged and valued.

The Experienced network brings together the community of all employees over the age of 50 and offers regular opportunities for (in-)formal dialogue.
EnablIng is a network for all employees with disabilities, as well as their friends and supporters.

Women in Tech
The Women in Tech Community is a lively network for women who are passionate about technology. It enables members to socialise, exchange knowledge and inspire and empower each other. Programme highlights include the Women in Tech Roulette, exciting workshops and regular meetings initiated and organised by the members themselves.
Get to know us
The best way to learn about who we are and how we work together is directly from our colleagues.
Diversity Inclusion and Belonging
ING fosters a culture of diversity, inclusion, and belonging across six dimensions—Disability, Gender, Generations, LGBTQI+, Race & Ethnicity, and Culture—globally.