Financial Coach

Audit Services
Drive integrity and transparency in our financial operations by ensuring compliance and identifying areas for improvement. Be the watchdog that safeguards our organisational health.
A comprehensive role
As a Financial Coach at ING, you provide that human contact. You add the personal touch to the digital bank. You are a host, an expert conversational partner, an advisor, and a coach all at once. Financial Coach is a very comprehensive role! It requires genuine interest in others, the ability to truly listen and ask questions, and the courage to engage in conversations about financial topics.
Personal attention, expert advice
Our Financial Coaches work in an ING House. There, you meet our customers - from individuals to entrepreneurs, from students to retirees, from people with modest incomes to very wealthy individuals. Their questions and needs vary greatly. They might have a question about Mijn ING, be interested in investing, or want to know their maximum mortgage.
Every contact starts with you
Whatever the question, every contact in the ING House starts with you. You give your customers all your attention and your expert advice. You coach them in using the mobile banking app and help them become self-reliant or take the next step. You ask questions, make a real connection, assess the customer's personal financial situation, and are only satisfied when you have helped them move forward. You also know when a customer's question requires more specific advice or a solution. Then you ensure a seamless, 'warm' handover to a specialized advisory team.
Entrepreneur in your own ING House
Our customers come to an ING House with their questions, but also by invitation. For example, for meetings around a specific theme, a money lesson for children, or a meet-up for start-up entrepreneurs. You organize these together with your fellow Financial Advisors. You are entrepreneurs in your own ING House!
Are you that host, conversational partner, advisor, and coach?
Wow! Then you have quite a lot to offer. You can easily connect with all types of people because you are genuinely interested. You listen and dare to ask questions. You can engage in conversations about financial topics. You are hospitable, communicative, and good at planning and organizing. And you are a team player. Because in an ING House, you really do it together!
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