Eduardo Bárbaro
Head of Security Analytics
The art of integrating analytics into cyber security

'My analytics team and our colleagues in CISO put much effort into speaking each other’s language'
And it is indeed a puzzle, he explains: “Both analytics and cyber security are very difficult topics on their own, so combining them is an even tougher challenge. Our success is largely thanks to my analytics team being able to work closely together with our specialist colleagues in CISO. We put much effort into speaking each other’s language and teamed up throughout the entire process. This enabled us to integrate analytics into CISO’s security work so our colleagues can work not only faster but more accurately. Meanwhile, my team learnt a lot about the technical aspects of cyber security, resulting in increasingly better use cases. We are now laying a strong foundation for even further collaboration. The results speak for themselves and should convince any remaining sceptics.”
At the Black Hat conference, Eduardo will talk about several use cases that his team has collaborated on with other CISO colleagues. These include identity and access management – for which Eduardo and his fellow speaker, Senior Data Scientist Roberto Moratore, developed a fast and effective new solution. Other topics include the role of analytics education within CISO and the use of AI for secure software development life cycle (SDLC). Especially in SDLC, Eduardo’s team is further improving upon existing market tooling, with the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning developed in-house, to ensure ING’s code repositories are safe.
'At ING, we dare to put proofs-of-concepts into production – even in such a
complex domain as cyber security'
"I find it important to show how we dare to put proofs-of-concepts into production at ING – even in such a complex domain as cyber security. Not everything is 100% successful all the time, but rather than getting demotivated if things don’t immediately turn out as we hoped, we learn from it and build upon it. This approach is widely supported and embraced within ING on all levels. So, at the conference, we’ll not only share the technical aspects of infusing data analytics into cyber security but also talk about the soft skills needed to make things work when you bring together two already complex domains.”
Black Hat Europe - 9 to 12 December.
Eduardo will be speaking on 12 December. Learn more about his talk.
About Eduardo
Brazilian-born Dutchman Eduardo studied Atmospheric Physics in his homeland and then moved to the Netherlands to pursue his PhD at Wageningen University and Research Centre. He joined ING in June 2021. Eduardo loves music and has a broad taste, albeit firmly anchored in the 1950s, 60s and 70s. He also plays the piano and guitar. He lives in The Hague with his Scottish wife and their labradoodle.