ING Hubs Slovakia
About us
ING Hubs Slovakia dates back to 2009 and was built on the longstanding expertise and established presence of ING in Slovakia. Our current team of 1,450+ employees provides expert services and drives change and improvement in ING processes.
With a focus on supporting core banking operations and processes, ING Hubs Slovakia offers more than 153 services to 41 countries in these service areas:
- Wholesale Banking services – channel support, Pan European Desk, client migration process, payment processing, etc.
- Keeping the bank safe - Know Your Customer/Supplier, identity and access management and non-financial risk reporting, etc.
- Data management and application support.
ING Hubs B.V., organizačná zložka Slovensko
Plynárenská 7/B
821 09 Bratislava
IČO: 50506005
DIČ: 4120061000
IČ DPH: SK4120061000, podľa §4, registrácia od 1.1.2017
Reception: 0259346498
ING Hubs Slovakia Address ING Hubs Slovakia Address
ING Hubs Slovakia
Plynárenská 7/B
Check out the video and see what a day in our office looks like.