Summer Internship Experience in Security Processes Automation Chapter
ING Hubs Poland is hiring!
We're looking for you, if you:
- have good command of written and spoken English,
- have good communication skills,
- have good analytical skills and paying attention to details,
- are open-minded for changes,
- have passion for learning new things and the ability to do so quickly,
- have positive attitude and you are a team player.
You'll get extra points for:
- being focused on getting things done,
- if you have experience with Git,
- if you have experience in JAVA or C#
- problem-solving abilities,
- if you are familiar with Microsoft SQL Server.
Your responsibilities:
- supporting developers in daily tasks and job shadowing to learn what doesn’t mean to be a developer,
- supporting developers in planning and reporting,
- involvement into preparation of business event (responsibility for one of the streams),
- maintenance of IT security related applications.
Information about the squad:
We are integrated team of specialists supporting ING business units across the world by the use of processing, reporting and management tools appropriate for IT security data. We develop our services in line with new technologies, which we have never enough. At ING Hubs Poland we work according to Agile methodologies like Scrum and Kanban. We are innovative company relying on trust to people we work with. Thanks to big amount of flexibility, we motivate and encourage to be creative what speeds up our work and allows to quickly respond to changing requirements of our business partners. We work in small teams called squads who have clear vision of their product, independently face challenges and work together for most effective approach.
The role naming convention in the global ING job architecture will be “Intern I".
For more information about the Summer Internship Experience, click here: (

Questions? Just ask
ING Recruitment team
W ING chcemy, aby każdy mógł w pełni wykorzystać swój potencjał. Tworzymy inkluzywną kulturę, w której każdy ma szansę na rozwój i wpływ na naszych klientów oraz społeczeństwo. Zawsze wspieramy różnorodność, równość i integrację. Nie tolerujemy żadnej formy dyskryminacji, czy to z powodu wieku, płci, tożsamości płciowej, kultury, doświadczenia, religii, rasy, niepełnosprawności, obowiązków rodzinnych, orientacji seksualnej lub czegokolwiek innego. Jeśli potrzebujesz wsparcia lub dostosowania podczas procesu rekrutacji lub rozmowy, skontaktuj się z rekruterem wskazanym w ogłoszeniu. Z przyjemnością pomożemy Ci, aby proces był sprawiedliwy i dostępny. Dowiedz się więcej o naszym zaangażowaniu na rzecz różnorodności i integracji tutaj.
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