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Stephan - Customer Journey Expert and Product Owner

It’s not just about what’s important to ING, but to the customer

Stefan - Customer Journey Expert and Product Owner

“What I like most about my job? The experimenting. There’s a lot of it and you get to test your hypothesis directly with the customer. Impact doesn’t come any quicker than that.” Stefan, Customer Journey Expert (CJE) at ING since 2021.

All about the customer

It may sound like a cliché, but the key focus of every CJE at ING is always the customer. We want to see how we can optimise their experience with us. Whether they’re using our credit cards, mobile applications, investments, savings, ... You name it.

Every project, however big or small, starts with a how-question. How can we optimise our communication channels? How can we increase our conversion rate? How can we make the customer’s life easier when working with us?

Wiggle room

Clients work with ING in various ways. That’s why alignments across the various products and areas of expertise are necessary. We keep each other informed and make sure that what we do doesn’t interfere with other projects and fits the overall goals.

Within that framework, you get a lot of wiggle room. After analysing the data and spotting items you can improve, you come up with your own recommendations. It’s a job that involves a lot of research, creative thinking and experimenting. Things I love.

The power of a good CJE

At ING we call a lot of positions CJE. But what we do is extremely diverse, given the product or customer need. Still, there are some things that we all have in common. That’s the analytic mindset, the customer focus, and the urge to always want to improve things. Spot, test, and optimise.

Another thing that makes a good CJE is understanding people and connecting with them. Whether it’s your customer, or the various stakeholders on your team. From data scientists to developers and directors. We share our knowledge and help each other out.

How I met ING

I started out as a consultant after getting my master’s degrees in international business and management science. My assignments were mostly focused on transformation, including digital, marketing and conversion rate optimisation. It brought me to ING in 2021.

It was the start of a beautiful relationship. I felt welcomed, supported and informed from the very beginning. I was at ease from day one. I particularly like the positive energy of the people. We roll together, do our thing, but don’t take ourselves too seriously. That’s what keeps it fun too.

My reasons to stay

It’s a mix of everything I mentioned. The autonomy, the experimenting, the short and long-term projects. The fact that you have an impact on the customer and on every step in the process. But also the learning curve, the international career options, … And last but not least, the people.

Stefan - Customer Journey Expert and Product Owner


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