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Expert Lead Transformation

ING Bank

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Expert lead transformation III

Transformation Office / GJA 19

+/-50% work from home

Hiring Manager: Lieboud Van den Broeck

Recruiter: Pierre-Julien Dechassat

Transformation Office is the go-to team for complex programs, with its team of experts in process optimization (blackbelts) and program management.

The Expert lead transformation at Transformation Office will lead a team of ~10 experts (program managers and blackbelts) and manage themselves also selected strategic programs.

A day in the life of an Expert lead transformation  

  • Lead a team of experienced program managers and blackbelts, who work individually on programs across the full bank (a.o. regular follow-up on projects, coaching, …)

  • Lead personally cross-team and often cross-organisation high-impact projects and programs

  • Take up a leading role within Transformation office, both formally and informally

How to succeed

We hire smart people like you for your potential. Our biggest expectation is that you’ll stay curious. Keep learning. Take on responsibility. In return, we’ll back you to develop into an even more awesome version of yourself.

  • Leadership (motivation, coaching, …) of team of experts

  • Challenging mindset to ensure the team delivers the best solution

  • Strong program management and planning skills

  • Strong interpersonal, and relationship management skills adapted to various levels in the organization

  • Role leader (model, coaching, ..) within Transformation Office and the bank as needed

As a Team lead Transformation, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Contribute actively in INGs strategic goals and objectives on a daily basis.

  • Grow your ING-network through projects across the whole bank

  • Demonstrate your value and grow exposure within the organisation by working for senior sponsors

  • Work with highly experienced colleagues who will gain from your experience

  • Have the opportunity to further increase your knowledge both by on-the-job learning and trainings

The team

The Expert lead Transformation is part of Transformation office and with their team of Change Execution Professionals (program managers) and the Process experts (blackbelts), they are the go-to team for complex change projects at ING.  Our strong record of delivering projects means we are constantly in demand. 

Would you like to get to know the department better? Book a coffee with the hiring manager, a team member, or the recruiter. In a second phase you could get to know the job content better via a My Job Your Job.

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Questions? Just ask
Pierre-Julien Dechassat

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In ING vogliamo che le persone possano dare il meglio di sé. Per questo, creiamo una cultura inclusiva dove tutti possono crescere e fare la differenza per i nostri clienti e la società. Promuoviamo sempre diversità, uguaglianza e inclusione. Non tolleriamo nessuna forma di discriminazione: per età, genere, identità di genere, cultura, esperienza, religione, razza, disabilità, responsabilità familiari, orientamento sessuale o altro. Se hai bisogno di supporto o un aiuto durante il processo di selezione o colloquio, contatta il reclutatore indicato nell'annuncio. Saremo felici di aiutarti per rendere tutto giusto e accessibile. Clicca qui per scoprire di più sul nostro impegno per diversità e inclusione.

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  • Change Execution, Bruxelles, Regione di Bruxelles-Capitale, BelgioRemove

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