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Customer Journey Expert Digital Service Adoption Squad

ING Bank

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GJA: 16
As Customer Journey Expert in the Digital Service Adoption squad you will enable self-service through the ING Banking app in which you will contribute to provide a superior customer experience at a reduced cost to serve. In your role, that is crucial to implement our mobile first strategy, you are at the heart of mobile banking, to guide our customers towards the digital solutions and to accelerate the use of chat in case of support is needed

  • By increasing the number of mobile customers amongst our existing customers and implement the mobile first contact strategy
  • By coordinating the availability of the daily banking journeys and ensure all daily banking journeys will be available in the ING Banking app
  • By increasing the digital adoption and usage of the daily banking journeys
  • By improving the customer experience of the daily banking journeys, of guiding our customers towards the digital solutions when they are in the assisted or digital channels. 
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Noro Zerafi

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  • Customer Journey, Bruxelles, Regione di Bruxelles-Capitale, BelgioRemove

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