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TETA Administrator

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We are looking for you, if you:

  • Have at least 1 year experience in managing TETA systems,
  • Have good knowledge of Windows OS,
  • Have good knowledge of MS Office,
  • Are a proactive person and a problem solver,
  • Have excellent communication skills,
  • Are open to change and adapt quickly to a changing environment,
  • Speak Polish and English on communicative level.

You'll get extra points for:

  • Experience in working with TETA Constellation system,
  • Experience in migrating ERP system,
  • Knowledge of SQL and Oracle databases,
  • Basic knowledge of C#,
  • Readiness of sharing knowledge and ideas with others.

Your responsibilities:

  • Managing and development of TETA system including monitoring, bug fixing, problem solving, parameterization, configuration and patching,
  • Work planning, Scrum, organizational and conceptual meetings ERP system,
  • Self development.

The role naming convention in the global ING job architecture will be “Engineer III”.

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