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Business Control Officer

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ING Hubs Philippines’ risk governance structure follows ING Bank’s three lines of defence model which aims to provide sound governance framework for risk management.

First line of defence (1LoD)

Each department and business line has the primary ownership, accountability, and responsibility for assessing, controlling, and mitigating all financial and non-financial risks affecting their businesses and for the completeness and accuracy of financial statements and risk reports with respect to their responsible areas.

The C&R Business Partner is part of the Operational Design, Control, and Resilience (ODCR) Team and is reporting to the Support C&R Lead.

In general, the ODCR Team functions as 1LoD risk and control, mandated to ensure framework execution in the organization and to provide control insight and support to the business lines and Management Committee. ODCR team reports to ING Hubs PH Chief Operating Officer.

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