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DevOps Engineer

ING Hubs

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Expectations on the Candidate:

As a member of the engineering team, you will deliver robust code as directed by business constraints while respecting controls. As an engineer, you are expected to:

  • Deliver robust code meeting quality criteria and project constraints
  • Critical attention to detail about code, efficiency, and design
  • Display problem-solving ability and strong analytical skills
  • Mentor & coach other developers in their learning & development
  • Be able to work alone or pair up in a team
  • Take ownership of systems and services assigned in production
  • Be proactive in promoting high quality standards
  • Be available for out of hours support as required
  • Have experience working in an agile development lifecycle
  • Communicate (written/verbal) precisely in a professional environment

Knowledge & Skills:

  • Java, Spring, SpringBoot
  • RESTful API development
  • Oracle Databases, (PL-)SQL, Flyway/Liquibase, Hibernate, JPA
  • Azure DevOps Yaml Pipelines or comparable CI/CD tooling
  • Test automation across the testing pyramid
  • IT Security Foundations
  • Public Cloud experience
  • Microservice and Cloud Native architecture principles
  • Containers: Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Foundations
  • (Plant-) UML, architecture documentation & communication
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  • IT Engineering, Taguig, National Capital Region, FilippineRemove

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