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Lise - Customer Journey Expert and Product Owner

Knowing that your customers are grateful for what you do

Lise - Customer Journey Expert and Product Owner

“It’s so rewarding that everything we do instantly impacts the customer, for the better. And that while we do it, we try to keep it fun. After all, you spend a lot of time working together.” Lise is Customer Journey Expert (CJE) at ING and has been here since 2018.

All about the customer

My role is to translate the business needs to the developers. But perhaps it’s better to say the customer needs. Because the business usually has some ideas in mind, call it the “why” and the “what”. Then I come in to work on the “how”.

I didn’t have any deep knowledge of product or IT development before I became a CJE. But my background in client services did give me a lot of insights in the product and the customer using the product. So it became natural to me to always think about the customer first.

Learning is key

The thing is, at ING, it’s not just about degrees and studies. It’s also about showing that you're eager to learn. To connect with people you can learn from. To get things done and build trust. To take courses and especially, take on new challenges.

I like taking on new roles, new responsibilities, new projects. My colleagues and manager know that. They feed me with new assignments all the time. Customer Journey Expert? Haven’t done that, so let’s try it. PEGA? Don’t know it, so let’s do it. I love learning as I go along.

The power of a good CJE

There are so many different types of CJE. Just like there are different types of people. But there are some ingredients that we all have in common. In fact, they might even go beyond the role of CJE and be part of the ING culture.

Autonomy is key. There is no predefined road to reach your goals. You can still put a lot of yourself into your job and your career. That requires a lot of creativity, self-confidence and self-knowledge. If you don’t know the answer or need help, don’t be afraid to ask. 

How I met ING

I have a master in criminology and never thought I would end up in a large international bank. In fact, I never even considered it. But sometimes life just happens and all pieces fall into place. So after working in multiple roles and industries, I landed at ING.

ING is a house of opportunities. I’ve been here for almost seven years now. During that time I took on several roles. First as part of a Customer Loyalty Team (CLT) in the client services domain, and later on as a Product Owner and Customer Journey Expert.

My reasons to stay

There’s the impact you have on people. And the flexible and hybrid way of working. But most of all, I love the people. People from all over the world, all in one place. We have this incredibly strong team connection. Yes, I really found my spot here at ING.

Lise - Customer Journey Expert and Product Owner

Customer Journey jobs for you

UX design and coding meet customer satisfaction: empowering around 37 million customers 🚀💻. Interested? 



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