Vincent - Data Analyst
Data helps you make smarter decisions

“The impact of what we do is big! We target large groups, reaching millions of customers in one go. But we also impact the quality of work of the Customer Journey Expert.” Vincent shares his insights after one month working as a Data Analyst at ING in Brussels.
Finding and understanding data
My role as a Data Analyst is to help the Customer Journey Expert (CJE) make informed decisions on any question they might have. Whether it’s defining the right target audience for your product, or knowing how your customers are using your product.
Daily banking and Mobile First is the tribe I’m part of. We provide advice, insights and comprehensive reporting to the CJE. It will help them focus on what to do next. That’s why it’s important to discuss with the CJE what exactly it is that they are looking for and how to read and understand the data.
Data never lies
An inspiring professor introduced me to data analytics during my studies, and my interest has grown through my early work experiences. To me, facts show the truth. And the more I learn about it, the more I like it.
After my first job I had job interviews with many companies in various industries. But when I got the opportunity to join ING as a data analyst, I didn’t hesitate. Banking is an industry where everything is built around data.
The power of a good Data Analyst
Being a good Data Analyst is not just about data. True, you need to have an appetite for maths, numbers and facts. But you also need to be able to understand what people are saying, what challenges they face. So you can dig deeper and get to the bottom.
My first impression
I’ve only been with ING for about a month but I can already say I made the right choice. I get to match data and behaviour with business logics and to help the CJE to shape the future of banking. From day one I got to do my thing, the way I see it, and learn from it.
It’s a very open and informal culture. They welcomed me with open arms. ING has a great onboarding process, good training options, and also the package they offer is quite interesting. I also love living in the center of Brussels and meeting new people from multiple nationalities.