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Dev Engineer Financial Markets & Treasury: Backoffice/ BOTS

Within Financial Markets & Group Treasury, we are looking for an enthusiastic Dev Engineer for who the Magic programming language has no secrets. Together with your team members you will work on building an in-house back office system which is used globally within ING Financial Markets.

Bots is ING’s back office application for capital market and derivative transactions for Financial Markets & Group Treasury products. Bots is connected to most Financial Markets Front Office deal capture and finance systems that are used by ING trading locations across the globe. The team operates as a BizDevOps squad representing ING Tech.

Main services delivered by Bots are:

  • Processing trades and confirming them to the clients;
  • Creating journal events for our finance systems;
  • Creating payment messages for our payment engine;
  • Creating files for reconciliations between most systems used within Treasury;
  • Delivering various end of day files for systems further in the stove pipe.

As a Bots Dev Engineer, you will mainly be responsible for developing/coding new solutions and new functionality in an agile team. The software is rolled out in releases to our internal clients. Next to your main role you will also be asked to analyze and help solve daily disturbances in our production area. As Bots is built on Magic software, knowledge of the programming language Magic is a big plus.

Job description:

  • Together with your IT colleagues in Amsterdam and Mumbai you will create new functionality for our global user base;
  • Analyze, build, test and implement the requirements regarding changes requested by our users;
  • Work in an Agile environment with sprints of two weeks;
  • Implement and document ING’s IT Risk & Security controls;
  • Work on improving the current process through automation and identify improvements in the Customer Journey.

What you bring to the team

  • Experienced Magic developer
  • Knowledge of, or willingness to learn, Financial Markets products;
  • Experience with working in an Agile/Scrum environment;
  • Strong analytical skills;
  • Familiarity with tools like Confluence, Snow;
  • Experience or affinity with IT Risk & Security concepts;
  • Excellent communication skills in English;
  • Knowledge of application Bots
  • Strong analytical skills, proactivity and willingness to share knowledge with others in the team;
  • You thrive in a team setting and enjoy working in a multi-disciplinary environment.

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Questions? Just ask
Elias Noya

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