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Customer Journey Expert – Tribe Investments, Domain “Tax”

ING Bank

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GJA level 15, 16 or 17, depending on relevant skills & experience.
| Hybrid: Home (3d) / Brussels (1d) / Ghent (1d)

Your role & work environment

Within the Tribe Investments, we are looking for an additional Customer Journey Expert (CJE) in the “Processes & Projects” Squad, to focus on the existing & new taxes within Investments.
While taxes will be the absolute focus for the foreseeable future, activities will at some point be expanded or shifted to other subdomains, such as e.g. Corporate Actions, Customer Data, Instrument Data, Order Management, Reporting, Product Management, Risk Management etc, thereby creating opportunities to learn & stretch, while ensuring alternateship in a Squad of highly qualified Experts.

Your key responsibilities

-    To ensure compliance with all underlying (tax) regulations & market changes and to detect & manage risks and operational issues in your processes.
-    To document your processes, keep the documentation up to date and share your knowledge with colleagues.
-    To be able to transcend operational issues and maintain a helicopter view.
-    To design the smoothest possible customer journeys and maintain & optimise existing ones, based on your regulatory & operational expertise, your insights into cost & operational efficiency and your passion for an excellent customer experience.
-    To collaborate within your Squad and manage multiple stakeholders in Belgium and The Netherlands.
-    To take (or at least propose) decisions after carefully weighing options & consequences, based on relevant data using various techniques, and to enforce them.
-    To act as spoc for all local & global initiatives impacting your domain, and to retain end-to-end responsibility.

We are looking for 

A colleague with a talent for taking it on and making it happen, enthusiasm for helping others to be successful and a knack for always being a step ahead in a fast-changing & complex environment.
In addition,
-    You have worked at least 4 years in a process management, project management, product management or operational (back-office) team, preferably in several.
-    You have knowledge of Investments related taxes applicable in Belgium.
-    You are flexible, eager to discover other investments subdomains besides taxes, and learn new skills.
-    You are customer focused.
-    You are a naturally collaborative person who listens and speaks up to achieve common goals, but you can also function autonomously.
-    You have a “can-do” attitude, and you work efficiently & accurately.
-    You love to challenge the status quo, to simplify, to propose creative solutions to complex problems.
-    You have strong analytical, organisational and (Agile) delivery skills.
-    You have strong written & oral communication and requirement management skills.
-    You are fluent in English and in Dutch or French, preferably in all three.
-    You have a Master degree or equivalent by experience.

We offer you 

-    A clear purpose and a place in a dream team, right at the heart of the Investments Tribe.
-    A hybrid way of working (home & office) and the autonomy to organise your work.
-    A chance to grow, hone existing skills and acquire new ones.
-    A range of flexible compensation and other benefits.

If you think you re the right person for the position, apply today.

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Questions? Just ask
Noro Zerafi

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