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International Talent Program Ops & Changes

ING Bank

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The world of banking is changing faster than ever, enjoy the best international experience in our Operations and Change traineeship

During our two year programme you create your own career within Operations & Change. You learn more about the discipline Operations & Change and the financial services sector. Our International Talent Programme also allows you to discover yourself through a wide selection of trainings.

Make an impact as a trainee          

At ING we are always broadening our horizons. Our people have a forward-thinking mentality, a strong can-do spirit and enjoy working in an agile environment. Do you want to have an impact on not only the financial lives of close to 8 million customers but also on the bank of the future? Why wait, discover how today. 

Above all, ‘change banking’ means taking action. ING is building the digital bank of the future. But, as any builder knows, before you start building you first need a strong foundation. What exactly does this involve? It’s about uniting our processes, data, IT, and shared services – the bricks of our transformation – and cementing these with a single way of working. It’s about becoming One Bank that offers our customers products and services that meet their expectations and that are remarkably easy, surprisingly personal and refreshingly smart. The Chief Operations Office (COO) is leading when it comes to transforming and running ING as the bank of the future. The COO brings together many disciplines, which means that as a trainee you will be working at the intersection of digitalisation, process engineering, data management and optimising the client journey. Therefore, this role asks for talented people that can drive optimisation and change, always look at things end-to-end, are true believers of standardisation, and can switch easily between an operational environment and the board room.

Your rotations

Based on your own interests, you can indicate your preferences for your first rotation so that your Early career talent manager can find a suitable starting role for you. This enables you to get to know several departments within ING. These roles can relate to areas such as ‘Know Your Customer’ or the agile way of working. Many trainees choose to go abroad (Spain, Amsterdam,…) for their third rotation, and that’s a logical decision in the case of the Operations & Change track, because of the international nature of the work. After all, the changes we’re involved in cannot be viewed separately from the international context of ING’s operations.

After your first 18-months, you start in your first permanent job. The aim is to further enhance your knowledge and hone your skills in roles such as Road manager, Business Consultant, Customer Journey Expert, Data management officer or Operational Lead. Should this interest you, you could also start your permanent role abroad.

Your benefits

Needless to say we offer you an excellent base salary for this traineeship (starters position), paid annual leave, an impressive training package and a permanent contract. But above all we offer you the chance to shape your own ideas about banking in a receptive environment and hence to make banking even simpler and more transparent for our customers. Together withother (international) trainees you will participate in annual global events, which will enable you to quickly build up a large network.

As a trainee you receive guidance from your line manager and your Early career talent manager (trainee manager). If you are looking for additional guidance you can ask a Senior Manager to mentor you. They will coach you, inspire you, introduce you to their network and share their knowledge and insights with you. 

Our Operations and Change trainee

  • Has a master’s degree, preferably in Supply Chain Management, Operations Management, Business Information Management, Change Management, Business Administration or (Industrial) Engineering.
  • Has an interest in financial services, an innovative take on banking, is driven in metrics and processes and has an unconditional drive to turn ideas into reality.
  • Has gained (international) experience through various extracurricular activities.
  • Has a strong drive for efficiency, optimisation and standardisation.
  • Is good at managing stakeholders and communicates easily on different levels.
  • Is enthusiastic, hard-working and humble. 

Please note that the results will remain definite for a future application for one of our traineeships. This means that you cannot apply again after not passing either our assessment or interview stage.

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Questions? Just ask
Lucia Armada Gallego

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Bei der ING möchten wir, dass jeder sein volles Potenzial entfalten kann. Wir schaffen eine Kultur, in der jeder wachsen und einen Unterschied machen kann – für unsere Kundinnen und Kunden und die Gesellschaft. Diversität, Gleichberechtigung und Inklusion sind für uns selbstverständlich. Wir tolerieren keine Form der Diskriminierung, sei es aufgrund von Alter, Geschlecht, Geschlechtsidentität, kulturellem Hintergrund, Erfahrung, Religion, Herkunft, Behinderung, familiären Verpflichtungen, sexueller Orientierung oder anderen Gründen. Wenn Ihr während des Bewerbungsprozesses oder der Vorstellungsgespräche Unterstützung benötigt, kontaktiert uns bitte über die E-Mail-Adresse in der Stellenanzeige. Wir helfen gerne, um einen fairen und einfachen Ablauf sicherzustellen. Hier erfahrt Ihr mehr über unser Engagement für Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging.

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  • Trainee, Brüssel, Region Brüssel-Hauptstadt, BelgienRemove

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