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DevOps Engineer

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Position Title: IBT/Komgo - DevOps engineer profile

Position Summary:

You are an energetic DevOps Engineer with a passion for IT and a positive can-do mindset. You are a team player working as a core member of a multidisciplinary and cross-functional squad whom primary driver is the customer. Close collaboration within and across the squads and with the consumer is of utmost importance for you.

 You have a broad and diverse set of competencies that allow you to design, develop, test and deliver applications in the scope of your squad. When necessary, you will also contribute to applications maintenance, administering them and eventually decommissioning them.

 As a DevOps Engineer, you contribute to accomplishing the squad's purpose. You do this by working on the customer journey from the backlog, using the Agile method end-to-end. You continuously strive to improve yourself and your colleagues.

As a DevOps Engineer, you control both the design phase and the actual development and testing of our applications. You understand the entire stack, so that you can bring applications into production and resolve incidents.

You are in constant dialogue with your tribe: you understand the goal of our business and work in a team of experts to find the most relevant solution for the customer’s needs

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