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Offensive security expert / Pentester

ING Bank


We are looking for you, if you:

  • have very good knowledge of IT security issues at a technical level,

  • have very good knowledge of the mechanisms of testing vulnerabilities in applications for example SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting and the many more,

  • have skills in the use of vulnerabilities detected,

  • have good knowledge of issues related to the emergence of vulnerabilities and their prevention at the level of IT infrastructure,

  • have good knowledge of secure development practices,

  • are open and communicative person,

  • have good planning and organizing skills,

  • are able to analyse and solve complex tasks.

English level -B2

You'll get extra points for:

  • Certificates related to professional competence and knowledge.

Additional skills:

  • Higher technical education, preferred profile - information technology,

  • Very good communication skills in English,

  • Work experience on the similar position as a pentester, security expert,

  • Work experience in an international environment,

  • Team player attitude who has also ability to work independently,

  • Ambitious, responsible, solution oriented attitude.

Your responsibilities:

  • Conducting penetration tests.

  • Implementing IT requirements and standards,

  • Risk evaluation of vulnerabilities in IT infrastructure

Your place of work Explore the area

Questions? Just ask
Turan Ozkan


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