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DevOps Engineer Public Cloud

ING Hubs

ING Hubs Poland is hiring!

We are looking for you, if you:

  • 3+ years Experience as a DevOps Engineer,
  • hands on knowledge of setting up infrastructure in Azure and GCP (other cloud technologies are a plus),
  • fluent with technologies like Containers & Kubernetes,
  • experience with Infra a code, tools like Terraform, CI/CD, etc,
  • scripting experience with e.g Python, Bash,
  • knowledge of Java, Python or Go are an advantage.

English level - B2/C1

You'll get extra points for:

  • work at the intersection of public and private cloud environments.

Your responsibilities:

  • Building self service capabilities for client,
  • Keeping platform reliability on high level,
  • Enable consumers to work with Public Cloud native services.

Information about the squad:

At ING we pride ourselves on being ahead of the curve in terms of our IT capabilities. We are constantly looking to improve our IT architecture, especially regarding our cloud capabilities. We work in-house for an internal client. 

ING Public Cloud Platform adopt and provide innovative, scalable, reliable cloud native technologies in a controlled, cost-effective, and on-demand way. It enables innovations and grow ING community skills, which further result in delivering efficient, resilient and risk compliant services that helps our company to adapt securely and quickly to market requirements.

We work with various Cloud vendors, such as: Azure, GCP. You will also have a possibility to deliver services using containers (K8S/AKS/GKE), Python. As a team we, together with IT architects, decide on the technology stack and technical directions.

We are currently looking for an Azure Cloud Engineer who is eager to work with public cloud technologies. 

You will be part of a bigger team that will setup and build tools and processes to help other application developer teams within ING to consume Public Cloud resources in an easy and compliant way. Someone who has hands-on experience building and securing infrastructure in Public Cloud environments.

The role naming convention in the global ING job architecture will be “Engineer III”.

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