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Senior Data Engineer

ING Hubs


Job Overview

• Implement and maintain data workflows, ETL / ELT processes, and pipelines to move identified data into target platforms for further consumption and integration as required by product owners

• Design and implement identified data processes and storage such as usage of

databases, data warehouses, data marts, and data lakes with data security in mind

• Build supporting tooling and procedures needed for data movement and monitoring activities

• Implement available automations for data movement processes

• Ensure delivered workflows and processes meet expected quality outputs through conducting testing

• Document specs and implementations of deliverables mentioned

• Work with operations teams for maintenance and continuous improvement of

workflows and pipelines

Key Capabilities/Experience

• Proficiency and experience in programming languages such as Python, shell scripting

• Expertise in IBM DataStage or similar tooling

Expertise in SQL / RDBMS databases, handling of structured and unstructured data

Extensive experience in design and implementation of data handling processes (ingestion, transformation, modelling, and storage)

Flexible and willing to learn various ETL / data integration tools and products

Experience with data integration and ETL technologies such as IBM Data Stage and Oracle Data Integrator is a plus

Experienced with software version control technologies such as Git

Experience in cloud platforms and technologies (Azure, AWS, GCP) is a plus

• Experience in CI / CD and DevOps is a plus

Minimum Qualifications

Strong problem solving and solutions engineering mindset

Experience in working and coordinating remotely with teams and stakeholders

• Experience in Agile way of working is a plus

Preferably a degree in the related fields of Computer Science

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ING Recruitment team


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