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Data Operations Professional

  • 5+years of relevant work experience in a reporting environment
  • Experience working in Financial Services and/or KYC processes is a plus
  • Exposure with various BI-toolings such as PowerBI and/or Cognos as visualization /  reporting tool.
  • Strong experience with Excel and VBA
  • Ability to transform user information requirements into requirements for the data management department.
  • Ability to extract key observations from data, and bring clearly across in executive messaging / reporting.
  • Proactive, Can-Do, No Surprises and Positive mind-set. Overall you have a healthy work ethic and a willingness to collaborate.    
  • Ability to facilitate decision-making to drive complex design issues to a conclusion.
  • Strong organisational sensitivity; ability to understand and take into account the underlying issues, opportunities and dynamics of an international organisation with multiple functional lines and one hierarchical line and deal with multiple interests.
  • Ability to work successfully with multiple countries and make sure these different cultures will work together as one team
  • Strong resilience; ability to navigate through ambiguity and simplify complexity without losing essence.
  • Ability to ‘get people on board’ and ensure necessary buy-in from stakeholders.
  • Fluency in English.

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